Investor Insights
Investor Insights
1) People in general have very little idea about how much wealth they need. More often than not they overestimate their requirement by leaps and bounds because of their inability to grasp the power of compounding
2) The occurrence of Heart attacks and blood pressure is inversely proportional to your knowledge of personal finance.
3) Understanding the power of compounding is directly proportional to the power of your health
4) 10% to 12% compounding is all that you need to meet most of your needs
5) Patience more than intelligence is required to create wealth
6) Being ignorant is any time better than being impatient
7) Knowledge of personal finance is the license that allows you to spend money without the fear of inflation
8) SWP after years of SIP is the best retirement plan.
9) If you are above 40, don't try to look for jobs. Just keep your boss happy because in all probability this is your last job
10) On paper your retirement age is 60. Always remember 60 is the maximum age. For most it will be not more than 50
11) The money that you make till the age of 50 is just 10% to 15% of the money that you would make between the age of 50 and 60.
12) In retirement at 50 the loss is not 10 years but 90% of your earning potential.
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